Tomorrow, the country eases back on one of the world’s most restrictive measures ever undertaken to control the COVID19 pandemic.
This does not mean that we have already defeated the virus. In fact, it continues to spread in record-high numbers.
It simply means that we are learning that we cannot defeat the virus by destroying along with it the very economic basis of our healthy existence and, without which, we cannot generate the needed resources to fight the virus, and save even more lives.
The severe restrictions on the mobility of the last two months have resulted in massive numbers of business enterprises closing or cutting down on operations. The numbers of the newly unemployed and underemployed are rising. The much-dreaded economic recession is already upon us. It is real.
We are among the lucky ones.
We managed not only to minimize expected business losses at the start of the quarantine period in mid-March this year and actually dared to actually expand our business by creating completely new trade channels and bringing our products even closer to the people than ever before through our various formats of rolling stores.
As a result, we are approaching the coming regimes of easing restrictions a stronger organization with more products and a healthier financial position.
All of these required creativity, courage, sacrifice and loyalty from our people. But this is not yet the time for self-congratulations.
We at BAVI met the difficult challenges of the last two months not by retreating but by advancing and expanding, proving the old adage that the best defense is still a good offense. With the new order to shift the nation towards general quarantine, a new race is begun.
I have already been given the marching orders to prepare for completely new realities and ways of doing things in the post-pandemic new economy.
I want everyone to protect themselves always by following strict health protocols. I will make sure that our workplaces comply with new government safety standards. And I am reminding all those working from home to be on work mode always during working hours.
Most of all, I am enjoining all our partners and stakeholders to support each other always as one community.
All of humanity is bracing for a new post-COVID world and some of the adjustments we need to take can be very disruptive and stressful.
My team before the pandemic is the same ever-reliable team running the business now to serve you our dear customers.
Maraming salamat po sa inyong tiwala!
With each other’s support, we can surmount any challenge stronger than before.
Believe in it.
By Ronald Daniel Ricaforte Mascariñas